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1. Bookmarks: 0 The Economic Impact Of Politics On Investing Just six short months from now we will be asked to elect a leader for the still most powerful economic entity on the planet clearly, we need to focus on broad long term strategies that will create jobs and make it possible for both businesses and individuals to prosper.
2. Bookmarks: 6 Stock Market Correction: Month Nine And Counting Repetition is good for the brain's CPU, so forgive me for reinforcing what I've said in the face of every correction since 1979... if you don't love corrections, you really don't understand the financial markets. Don't be insulted, it seems as though very few financial professionals want you to see it this way and, in fact, Institutional Wall Street loves it when individual investors panic in the face of uncertainty.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Let’s K.I.S.S. Social Security Goodbye: Part 2 We have all the tools and expertise in place now to fix this financial mess without ever making the drastic mistake of delegating investment responsibility to the general population.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Let’s K.I.S.S. Social Security Goodbye: Part 3 Any established and profitable Financial Institution will be able to offer a single Social Security Retirement Program. Every participating institution will use the same general plan to provide the benefit levels established by the Social Security Administration in pretty much the same manner as they are now.
5. Bookmarks: 0 Let’s K.I.S.S. Social Security Goodbye: Part 4 All eligible providers will be required to accommodate Social Security Retirement Accounts, and will do so through a separate organizational entity or department with no other responsibilities.
6. Bookmarks: 0 The Obama Tax Reform Plan For Long Term Economic Growth? (July 2008) Investors represent the biggest voting block in the country. We could elect the next president, change the tax code, fix Social Security, and strengthen the economy. If only we weren't the most apathetic group of people on the planet. As Investors, we want less government, lower taxes, and purposeful regulation. We want laws that aid economic freedoms, and lawmakers and judges who facilitate it.
7. Bookmarks: 0 The McCain Tax Reform Plan For Long Term Economic Growth? (July 2008) Investors represent the biggest voting block in the country. We could elect the next president, change the tax code, fix Social Security, and strengthen the economy. If only we weren't the most apathetic group of people on the planet. As Investors, we want less government, lower taxes, and purposeful regulation. We want laws that aid economic freedoms, and lawmakers and judges who facilitate it.
8. Bookmarks: 0 The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part Two (March, 2008) Today, it's difficult to distinguish one financial institution from another as they compete for the ever-growing pool of investment dollars. Insurance companies, now publicly owned, have become am integral part of an industry that seems uninterested in protecting anything other than their obscenely paid leaders.
9. Bookmarks: 0 Let's Make 401k Plans Behave More Like Retirement Plans Although it is true that you do not pay taxes on your contributions during the earning years, you will absolutely pay through both nostrils when you retire. If your karma is off, you may find yourself retiring at a time when the stock market is not in a party mood and your shrinking mutual funds don't seem quite as secure as they did a few months earlier. We can deal with the market cycle; a saner tax code is a much bigger problem
10. Bookmarks: 0 Social Security: Dear Congressman Nugent A letter to a Congreesman from Florida, written by a friend of mine. We both feel that there are viable replacement strategies for Social Security that don't involve the stock market. Please visit for the complete picture.
11. Bookmarks: 0 More Jobs, Fewer and Lower Taxes - The KISS Principle There are no purely economic problems with making the shift to a consumption tax --- just political ones. The legislation has been on the hill, and summarily ignored for decades. We need to apply cool economic sense to the elimination of the Internal Revenue Code and the Social Security Ponzi scheme.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Politics 2012: What's (left) In Your Wallet? As Investors, we represent the single biggest voter block in the country. We must respond in one voice to the endless political drivel with a resounding Money Talks, BS Walks. We want decision makers who design laws that aid economic freedoms, not lawmakers who make decisions that restrict them. Here's the MT~BSW Financial Plan for the 2012 Election. Dot Connectors Wanted!
13. Bookmarks: 0 How To Create A Fairer Tax Environment There are 44,000 pages in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) alone, 5.5 million words, incomprehensible at best. Obviously, there is a lot more to be said about each of the ideas that follow. Here are the top survey ideas; the first two were discussed in previous results articles as consumer spending enhancers and job creators, respectively.
14. Bookmarks: 0 How To Stimulate Consumer Spending And The Economy --- The Romney Plan? The single, easiest, fastest, biggest, consumer-spending instant winner bonanza is not even a twinkle in an old politician's eye --- and there are far too few new politicians. Replace the Social Security Retirement Program with a plain vanilla pension plan, pre-funded by smaller, mandated employee contributions.
15. Bookmarks: 2 How To Create More Jobs, America Today, employers are reluctant to create jobs because the mandated non-productive overhead associated with each worker adds significantly to the cost of running the business--- worker's compensation, unemployment insurance, OSHA compliance, liability insurance, social security contributions, minimum wage/union pay scales, etc.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Let’s K.I.S.S. Social Security Goodbye: Part 1 We need to simplify the benefit structure as well, to make it just a retirement program and not a Widows and Orphans Protection and Healthcare Society.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Let’s K.I.S.S. Social Security Goodbye: Part 5 If we are serious about solving Social Security, this isn’t as difficult as one would think, and arguments could be made for several methods. But in keeping with the K. I. S. S. principle, let’s start with the oldest Social Security recipients first and work backwards.
18. Bookmarks: 0 A Conservative's Liberal Plan To Transform Social Security A Social Security Retirement Income Annuity, or SSRIA, invested 70% or more in government (all levels) guaranteed securities, could be phased in quickly as a mandatory replacement for the existing Social Security program. The personally owned SSRIA would also become a voluntary investment option for all self-directed programs and a guaranteed safe savings vehicle for after tax discretionary dollars.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Who Wants To Be President Of The United States - Investment Politics The objective of the exercise, Barack, is to permanently place more disposable income in consumers' wallets while providing incentives for employers to hire more workers. There are three areas where the impact of reforms would be beneficial to all, irrespective of political sentiment. Social Security reform would benefit the most people, most quickly
20. Bookmarks: 0 The Congressional Reform Act of 2012 - A Proposal You may not agree with all of these ideas, but this is the kind of change in government that many of us are looking for. It may be difficult to find candidates with the guts to push this agenda, but its worth the effort.
21. Bookmarks: 5 Investor Political Priorities - A Survey - Part 2 Is it enough to say that we tax pension and other retirement income, including the sacred pittance from Social Security. The income tax needs to be revised, reformed, or replaced by something. Eliminating the tax on all forms of retirement and investment income, including capital gains, rents, royalties, etc. would have incredible positive effects (and would guarantee a Pennsylvania Avenue address for eight years).
22. Bookmarks: 0 Guaranteed Social Security Benefits: Finally, An Approptiate Use For (Fixed) Annuities What if, instead of donating 7.6% of your salary (15.3% if you are self employed) to support the war de jour: (a) you could choose to deposit from 3% to 5% of your salary in a guaranteed retirement program maturing anytime after age 60, (b) the lifetime benefit is totally income tax free, and (c) your employer uses his savings to either create jobs, raise non-executive salaries, reduce prices, or increase shareholder dividends. Interested?
23. Bookmarks: 1 Guaranteed Social Security Benefits - The Old Fashioned Way What if, instead of donating 7.6% of your salary (15.3% if you are self employed) to support the war de jour: (a) you could choose to deposit from 3% to 5% of your salary in a guaranteed retirement program maturing anytime after age 60, (b) the lifetime benefit is totally income tax free, and (c) your employer uses his savings to either create jobs, raise non-executive salaries, reduce prices, or increase shareholder dividends. Interested?
24. Bookmarks: 5 Investor Political Priorities - What's On Your Mind? 90% of all Americans are investors and, as such, there are issues that we need to hear about from the men who would be king. None of our could-be leaders are addressing the issues that would allow us to achieve our financial goals. What we all want is to keep more of what we make, and then to spend it as we see fit. It's not clear how the candidates intend to help us.
25. Bookmarks: 6 Jobs - Permanent Jobs - Millions Of 'Em Today, in the very birthplace of capitalism, an entrenched, arrogant, and incompetent congress equates greedy executives with the demise of capitalism while the economic force field it demeans catapults third world nations onto the leader board of global economic growth potential. Capitalism dead? Hardly.
26. Bookmarks: 5 Retire Social Security Debt and Save The Economy --- What If? What if the US Government sold the Social Security system/employees/buildings/DEBT/etc. to Insurance/Annuity industry companies for the amount of the debt plus a few billion --- all in cash plus secured debt of the hundreds of companies involved in the purchase? Is this a guaranteed winner for a presidential candidate or what?
27. Bookmarks: 0 The Social Security Problem--- and Two Viable Solutions Social Security is a cancer that’s killing the American economy --- it must be replaced by something more constructive. Here are two interesting monologue's that describe the multi trillion dollar problem, and offer one man's workable (if complex) solution. Combine his program and mine and you've got something.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Social Security system is inefficient See how the government cheats the average American out of $2 million dollars when compared to the S&P average yearly return. Also learn how the system is immoral, as it forces you to invest your money with the government bureaucrats.
29. Bookmarks: 0 Leon Meekcoms on Housing and Baby Boomers A few months ago, the Social Security Administration sent out the first of the Baby Boomer checks.
30. Bookmarks: 0 Lee Meekcoms Sees Housing and Recreation Trends Shift as Baby Boomers Enter Retirement With the first of the Baby Boomers cashing Social Security checks, it's not surprising that everyone from real estate investors to financial analysts are sitting up and taking notice.
31. Bookmarks: 0 ID Theft Capital Of The World Los Angeles is the counterfeit document capital of America ID theft business is booming in the Californian metropolisOfficials warn that the fake ID business is booming in Los Angeles. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America says the Federal Trade Commission. It is a practice that victimizes innocent people by using their Social Security Numbers. It has become an epidemic, leaving everyone at risk. And, to make matters worse, most people do not know if thei...
32. Bookmarks: 10 Saving Money Is The Slow Path To Financial Freedom Getting a job and not spending all the money each month is the slowest, hardest, and least efficient way to build up a big pile of money. Saving money is a worthwhile net worth building activity, but it doesn’t offer much more than that unless your goal is only to have a little cash at the ever-increasing age of retirement. This is because wages are the most heavily taxed source of income. Income taxes (federal, state, and social security) choke off about 35% of this earn...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Are you living the Greatest Lie? Only 5% of people will be financially independent at retirement, the rest will have to rely on inadequate pensions, social security, and family assistance. You need to take action now! to create your own financial freedom, because nobody else will do it for you.
34. Bookmarks: 0 Baby Boomer Retirement Options As the first wave of Baby boomers nears retirement age, they’re beginning to realize that unlike their predecessors, they have many options. Here’s a look at some of the Baby boomer retirement options this group of mature adults are choosing.They’re working long past retirement ageThe generations that came before the Baby Boomers retired from the work force at either age 62 or 65 or sometimes 67. They got their pensions and their social security checks and before long...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Depression: Taking The Bull By The Horns There is a phase in everybody’s life when one does not feel nice about many things or anything, and for no particular reason. If it is a short period, there is nothing to worry about, but if it stretches too long it could be depression. This kind of depression is some times disabling. When the patient is considered as a disabled person, s/he is also eligible for social security benefits.But, how to treat depression?This condition can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist. He...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Email Scams Targeting Senior Citizens There has been an increase in devious scam emails lately and the newest ones have been specifically targeting senior citizens. The main problem is the public's lack of education about computer and Internet related security issues, especially among senior citizens. Learn how not to become a victim of such scams by understanding the dangers of using the Internet and email and how to avoid them.
37. Bookmarks: 0 Janet Napolitano and Steve Selengut – Strange BlogFellows How many politicians, political appointees, and/or regulators does it take to change a light bulb?
38. Bookmarks: 0 Student Loans – Lose Social Security Benefits If You Don’t Pay A vast majority of people take out student loans to pay for higher education. The Supreme Court has decided to make social security benefits a means of repaying them.
39. Bookmarks: 0 Tax FAQ: Answers To Basic Questions About Taxes * What is a W-2 form?The W-2 is a form that an employee receives from his or her employer once a year. It is also sent to the IRS at the end of every year. The total annual wages paid and the taxes that the employer withheld from each paycheck are shown on the W-2 form. Federal law states that the W-2 form must be mailed by January 31st of each year.It consists of six copies:Copy A – Submitted to the Social Security Administration from the employer.Copy B – Se...
40. Bookmarks: 5 The Real BP --- Something Else To Think About I recognize the enormity of the issue; however, Mr. President, you and your peer group have a drilling record, and that record is enough to make any grandma cringe. I refer to the current rig that began operation in 1983.
41. Bookmarks: 0 The Hurrier I Go the Behinder I Get When are Social Security checks potentially loans and not benefits? Why, when you have "excess earnings" of course. In today's economy, many senior citizens still work during their "retirement" either because they want to or, all too often, because they must to make ends meet. Retirees who wa
42. Bookmarks: 0 The 46.3% Marginal Bracket Despite the new tax rate reductions of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, the top marginal tax bracket for many retirees is a whopping 46.3%. Why? Because Social Security benefits are subject to income tax. Those affected are Social Security recipients who have the good
43. Bookmarks: 0 Mysteries Unraveled One of the great mysteries of personal finance is: How are social security retirement benefits calculated? The computation itself is something of a mystery. It's so complex that I'm not sure who could have dreamed it up. I am sure that most in Congress don't understand it. In this article
44. Bookmarks: 0 Different Kinds Of Investments These days, you can’t retire without using the returns from investments. You can’t count on your social security checks to cover your expenses when you retire. It’s barely enough for people who are receiving it now to have food, shelter and utilities. That doesn’t account for any care you may need or in the even that you need to take advantage of such funds much earlier in life. It is important to have your own financial plan. There are many kinds of investments you can ...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Solving Social Security is No Big Deal - The Solution (August, 2006) Are you surprised that there is no Social Security Trust Fund... no investments and no Investment Managers. This is a gigantic Government designed and controlled Ponzi scheme that has worked incredibly well in spite of congressional tinkering and prohibitively high cost. There was always a tax plan for funding the benefits, but never an Investment Plan.
46. Bookmarks: 0 Solving Social Security is No Big Deal - Details (August, 2006) Are you surprised that there is no Social Security Trust Fund... no investments and no Investment Managers. This is a gigantic Government designed and controlled Ponzi scheme that has worked incredibly well in spite of congressional tinkering and prohibitively high cost. There was always a tax plan for funding the benefits, but never an Investment Plan.
47. Bookmarks: 0 Volatility Rocks The Investment Markets (June 2008) Investor perceptions of volatility need to be rearranged. When you allow more than an up-only smiley face into your understanding of the markets, you will be able to position yourself to actually take advantage of the volatility while it is happening. Much of the current skittishness in the financial markets is caused by multiple economic concerns and the incredibly naïve resolution ideas being spouted by the presidential candidates.
48. Bookmarks: 0 A Quick Jolt For the Auto Economy, Plus Ten (December 2008) Every new American-made car buyer would receive a debit card along with his ownership papers. The card could be used for anything other than the car purchase itself. Card amounts would vary from $6,000 for "smart" cars, through $3,000 for fuel-efficient sub-compacts, $1,000 for other borderline greenies. All debit cards would function as free passes for highway tolls...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Jim Dandy To The Rescue - Of The Economy Get rid of SFAS (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards) Rule # 157, which works something like this: While my bank owns my mortgage, it's worth full value. As part of a Ginny Mae--- still full value. But once it crosses over into the ether of CDOs and other multi-level Frankensteinesque monstrosities, my paid in advance mortgage becomes indistinguishable.
50. Bookmarks: 4 Online Home Businesses: Another Scam Reminder I was recently reminded again of how far scam artists will go to separate people from their money by making use of the internet.The scam I read about took advantage of people who were looking for new jobs (offline) and did this by posting their resume’s on the internet. There were two parts to the scams: One was to scan these resumes for any kind of personal information. In some cases they were able to find social security numbers published which then allowed them apply f...

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